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(00:02) hello again this is Dr. Kevin Conners this is part four of our beading chronic lime series of just an introduction to lyme disease hopefully you’ve been following along you found out that what acute stage line is and how to treat that and that it only is in a window of opportunity to deal with it chronic stage lime is a window as well i didn’t talk about that but it is a window as well but some people can be in that window for their whole life electronic stage where you can successfully knock it down and treat it
(00:40) with different immune stimulants so this is a complete dissertation on an autoimmune disease obviously but you’re going to get a earful today but all these things are th1 stimulants that we’re going to talk about so the third stage of chronic lyme disease that we mainly see in our office is in the autoimmune stage so this phase 3 or autoimmune phase of chronic lyme disease is the most debilitating so here’s some pictures that kid that we can spend some time on so an autoimmune disease is a disease that where your immune system attacks your
(01:31) self-tissue and we’re going to explain that in detail but it’s really named after the main body part that brought that person in the office so the person goes into their doctor with thyroid symptoms and the in the doctor runs a complete thyroid panel and finds out that they have hypothyroid but the doctor was was a great doctor and he also ran antibody tests on that patient to see if they were actually making antibodies against their old thyroid gland and sure enough they have thyroid antibodies in their blood so that means their their
(02:12) immune system specifically their th2 side of their immune system is creating antibodies against their thyroid gland so then the patient is if they have hypothyroid and antibodies to their thyroid gland they are given a label called hashimoto’s disease hashimoto’s disease is by definition an autoimmune hypothyroid condition so then the patient goes oh well what does that mean and the doctor will typically almost always say we don’t know how it starts here’s your syntheroid start taking that well what
(02:52) good was it for the person to know they have hashimoto’s disease an autoimmune attack on their thyroid versus no knowing that they just are believing that they just had a hypothyroid because there’s multiple different types of low thyroid is what we’re discussing right now and only one of them is a hashimoto’s you’re developing and you have developed antibodies against your thyroid well in the medical world there really is no benefit because they don’t treat it they don’t treat hashimoto’s any
(03:23) different than they treat hypothyroid matter of fact if you ask most doctors what’s the difference between hashimoto’s hypothyroid and hypothyroid they’d say well really nothing from a treatment perspective because they don’t do anything different you’re still just given thyroid medication well that is not adequate for us so what is our motto what has always been my motto in my clinic ever stop asking why so why do i have hashimoto’s unfortunately if you ask even the greatest endocrinologist why do i have
(04:01) hashimoto’s they will most likely say it is an idiopathic disease which is latin for we don’t know that’s really what it’s latin for maybe you could say it’s latin for i’m an idiot don’t ask me any more questions so an autoimmune disease is named after the main tissue of destruction where you’ve created however it doesn’t tell us why you created antibodies against that disease there’s a reason in hashimoto’s that you have created antibodies against your thyroid and you don’t want to know what
(04:40) the reason is the only reason that your body would create antibodies against your own tissue regardless of whether it’s your thyroid tissue whether it’s your motor neurons in ms the myelin sheath of the motor neurons whether it’s the neurons in als whether it’s the joint capsules in rheumatoid arthritis whether it’s the the fatty layer of the skin in a psoriasis whether it’s the skin layer in rosacea whether it’s whatever the named autoimmune system is the autoimmune disease is named after the tissue of
(05:17) greatest destruction where you have antibodies created against that tissue there was always always always always in uh an antigen in or near that tissue that created this immune response so i have to explain this to you so this is this is uh immunology 101 all right you have two major signs of your immune response you have your th1 response and your th2 response your th1 response is your killer cells they are the they are the marine corps okay they’re the marine corps with machine guns ready to kill whatever it’s supposed to do they are
(06:02) just biting at the bullet looking for something to kill now normally they’re in balance and normally they’re not firing very high but your body is making cancer cells on a daily basis your body is exposed to virus and bacteria on a daily basis you can’t eat food you can’t breathe in our environment and not be exposed to some pathogen so you need a healthy immune response that is a healthy th1 response so normally you’re in this balance but every day you have this little blip you could say of a th1
(06:33) response and it kills off that virus and it goes back into balance and then it blips up again and kills off that virus it goes back into balance and it flips up and kills off that bacteria oh and it blips up and kills that little cancer cell that’s growing in your liver so now that’s gone it blips up and kills this and that that is a normal healthy immune response that’s not an autoimmune disease yet that’s an immune response so normally there’s a blank balance and the th once fires initially that’s your initial
(07:02) response to kill any pathogen got it super important what’s in that th1 response in that th2 response well the th1 response contains a whole bunch of different cytokines and chemokines and white blood cells and macrophages and the and killer cells different types to kill different things so they are circulating through your blood looking for enemies the th2 response is different it contains different cytokines and different chemokines but the main purpose of this th2 or b cell response is to make antibodies so where the th1 response is
(07:45) to kill things the th2 response is to make antibodies so if you could think of it in a cartoon type format the th1 responds either machine gun tauti marine corps the th1 response is the machine gun tony marine corps the th2 response is the fbi the spies the behind the scenes we’re looking for the enemy we’re going to go in covertly look for the enemy and we’re going to tag it with antibodies we’re going to make antibodies against that which the th1 sign was trying to kill so that when the th1 side comes in again
(08:19) they’ll be able to kill it get it so normally during a disease process you have a hyper th1 response a hyper th2 response a hyper th1 response and you go back to health so in a response for your for any pathogen let’s use lyme disease moralia in this example you’re exposed to the pathogen you’re exposed to that flu you’re exposed to that borrelia immediately so goes into your body you get a rash whatever so it’s in your body it’s infecting your bloodstream the berelli is circulating through the
(08:59) bloodstream as soon as it’s at a pathogenetic type of height in its disease your immune system will fire a response so and that response is a th1 response so you get this hyper th1 response it’s fiery in this response and all these different killer cells are going out into the blood looking for the enemy we’re going to kill it we’re going to kill it we’re going to kill it we’re going to kill it so it’s out there to destroy the enemy and if it destroys it it knocks it down then it goes back into balance and we
(09:31) have victory but usually with a virulent bacteria like morelia it can’t kill it very easy so it’s firing this through one response and the longer time that it can’t kill it you will fire more in greater quantity more of these cytokines chemokines white blood cells macrophages so you get this hyper th1 response this is when the person now they move from immediately after the exposure to the next day they feel sick they got a fever they’re in bed what’s wrong with me give me some tea and lemon juice and
(10:09) honey i’m sick i must have the flu oh they’ve got diarrhea they’re throwing up whatever the disease process is taking them down so that is a normal th1 response your body is trying to kill a disease now in an autoimmune disease you have this hyper th1 response followed by a th2 response that is still not able to find the disease so really this slide i should have titled it differently in a normal immune response you’ll have a hyper th1 response and then followed by a th2 response also so your th2 response will follow
(10:50) anywhere between 24 to 72 hours later so your marine corps are out there in the field trying to kill this pathogen and for one two three four days and if it can’t adequately kill the pathogen what your body does is it pulls the marine core off it says all right get out of here you don’t even know what you’re doing here you can’t find this guy let’s get the fbi in there to locate who this is so the fbi the th2b cell response then fires all those cytokines and chemokines enter the area and
(11:24) they’re looking for the enemy where are they where are they where are they oh there they are and it makes an antibody against the enemy so you make an antibody against the pathogen it’s called an antigen now so an antigen is anything that the immune system initially fired against so in this case lyme disease you make an antibody against lyme disease it takes the lyme borrelia and then you fire again a th1 response and the th1 response goes wow oh there you are i can see it there i can see it perfectly it’s tagged with that
(11:56) fluorescent tape and we can kill it that’s a normal response and you get healthy so this is where in uh if you’re not autoimmune yet taking echinacea cat’s claw and vitamin c and such can be very helpful but in an autoimmune disease a person has fired this th1 th2 th1 response multiple times so we’ve gone weeks months maybe years of firing this th1 th2 th1 response and the reason an autoimmune disease occurs is that when the th2 response fires it can’t find the enemy so remember in a normal immune response
(12:48) the th1 response fires if it can’t kill it it’s a really nasty virus or bacteria it fires hyper fires that’s when you get a fever and you feel sick it still can’t kill it after a couple days it suppresses and your th2 response fires it goes in there and tags the enemy it suppresses the th1 response fires it kills the enemy everything goes back to normal everything goes back to balance you go back to work in an autoimmune disease same thing happens th1 response fires it can’t kill it hyperfires you feel sick th2 response
(13:29) fires th1 suppresses th2 response goes in to find the enemies but they’re not there hence this what happens with lyme disease now this could happen and they’re not there and it just suppresses in your th1 response fires and this goes on through cycles but at some point in time with every person with an autoimmune disorder this cycle happened at some point in time when the th2 response fired it couldn’t find the enemy and it knew it was right around that thyroid gland or it knew it was in the brain and it
(14:11) knew it was near those neurons so it started creating antibodies to those neurons to those glial cells that are covering the um the neuron that is called the myelin sheath started to create antibodies to the astrocytes started creating antibodies to the thyroid cells started creating antibodies to your own fat cells to your own skin cells to your own liver cells so an autoimmune disease is when you’ve reached that point when your th2 response started creating antibodies to what your old cells by definition you have an autoimmune
(14:54) disease got that let’s review you read up what is an autoimmune disease well it’s when my body is killing my own tissue well let’s define that it’s really not it’s when my th one side or my th2 side is hyperine firing and killing my own tissue because at one point in time there was a pathogen there in that area that my th2 side could not fire so it started to create antibodies against my own cells hence this is why when a person has an autoimmune disease of whatever i had great odds when i was a child and
(15:36) i had these rashes on my face this rosacea autoimmune disease and radons in my arms and now i have lupus i had thyroid issues you know and i’ve had them for years and now i have rheumatoid arthritis because the antigen was never found was never dealt with you only treated the symptoms and pretty soon as the antigen migrated to other areas you actually created antibodies against tissue where it migrated to got this i know this is kind of confusing if you’ve never heard this before but an autoimmune disease is when
(16:20) a person is stuck in a hyper-dominant th1 or a hyper-dominant th2 response because it is continues to fire against self-tissue and why because there was an antigen there at one point in time and it’s hiding in the cells so with autoimmune lyme lyme disease entered the person’s body it was in the acute phase it entered the person’s cells inside the cells it moved into the chronic phase when you fire a th1 th2 response over time back and forth back and forth and the th2 response is unable to find the antigen
(17:03) it can start creating antibodies against your old tissue that is the autoimmune phase so phase three of chronic lyme is when your body is making antibodies against your own tissue that every time your immune system fires you’re destroying your own tissue that’s why in a th 1 dominant patients people whether it’s lyme or whatever th dominant autoimmune patients cannot take th1 stimulants you are just arming the side of your immune system that is killing your own cells you can’t take an echinacea you can’t take cancer
(17:42) vitamin c or any of those th1 stimulants so you have to find alternate ways to treat the disease and this is where many many many chronic lyme sufferers are they don’t get this piece their doctor doesn’t understand immunology and they’re lost here so their doctor is well we’ll try cat’s claw for a while and it makes them feel better for a period of time and then they absolutely crash oh we’re going to try this we’re going to try this new herb we’re going to try this the chinese or we’re going
(18:09) to try this and all of them are th1 stimulator so it’ll make them feel better for a little bit sometimes sometimes it’ll just cause them to crash right away and then they’ll eventually crash because you’ll start just you might help kill the lime but you are going to kill your own tissue so you’re never going to win that battle so you cannot treat a person that’s in phase three autoimmune line with immune stimulants you have to kill it another way so that’s where well should i just go a
(18:42) long-term antibiotics well that’s a possibility but there’s so much damaging effects of that i don’t ever suggest that though it’s a possibility can you use things like mms we’ll talk about this in detail later or anything that’s a non-th1 stimulant yes you have to so there’s we test people out so we’re very specific when we take on a chronic lyme patient what is it that is going to work for that patient quite honestly probably half of our autoimmune line patients are on nothing
(19:14) so mms is a supplement that might work there’s other protocols that might work we use energy medicine so that is a big piece of our protocol that somebody is a th1 dominant biotoxin lime or mold or something else you can’t use th1 stimulants so we use energy medicine in our office and the machine that we use is the true rife so the true right there’s other rife machines out there but the true life i found to be the best that’s what i like the best i’ve been doing the rife machine for years and years and that’s
(19:47) my favorite type of life machine so that’s what we use and we’ll get into that what the rife machine is at further discussion later but you have to kill it directly without stimulating an immune response we also use different brain therapies because well what we found in most lyme patients and most autoimmune lyme patients they’re developed antibodies against their own different brain cells we see that that most these people suffer from brain fog and symptoms of neurological disabilities so in most the situations it’s
(20:29) their immune system is fired against what are called your glial cells you have two main different types of cells in your brain the neurons that carry information and the glial cells that do less information carrying and more support to the neurons there’s a lot of things that they do sell that they do do but these glial cells are separated in different types of glial cells and there’s usually an inflammation attack on the glial cells that’s exactly what’s taking place with ms and als okay so the take home of this again is
(21:05) treat acute phase line with antibiotics as soon as possible if you know that you’re not yet in the autoimmune phase you may try to use immune stimulants if you use immune stimulants and the use of immune system has not solved your problem or it makes you worse makes you feel worse and after a period of time you are most likely in the autoimmune phase or if your disease process is quite aggressive you’re probably in an autoimmune face or if you have taken th1 stimulants and they make you feel worse you’re probably in the autoimmune phase
(21:38) it’s one of the ways that you can kind of tell at home if you’re in the autoimmune phase i take garlic and i feel horrible then you know you’re in the auto atheism might make you feel better for a little bit but you just never seem to get better so if you are in phase three autoimmune line feel free to call our office find somebody who really understands autoimmune disease and knows how to treat it all right i hope you learned a lot if this is all review that’s great if this is all new to you listen to it a couple times
(22:10) Dr. Conners i’ll talk to you soon.
Dustin has been passionate about holistic health since he met his wife, Dr Mallory Ranem (Conners) almost 20 years ago. As the Digital Media Manager, he coordinates content across Conners Clinic’s large online presence, including written, video, and audio.