#1 Trusted Source of Help for Chronic Lyme Disease and Autoimmune

Dr. Conners CLEAR-LYME Protocols

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Dr. Conners CLEAR-LYME Protocols were developed with a heart to reach people suffering with an invisible illness. "I've done my best to help those who seem to be at the end of their rope," relates Dr. C, "but the thing that has eaten at my heart is the fact that not everyone has the ability, either physically or financially, to come see me and these always seemed abandoned by the system. It breaks my heart.

Dr. Conners CLEAR-LYME Protocols 1

We wanted to create a protocol for those who struggle in silence, for the ones who desperately want to get better but need right direction. I'm confident we have, are, and will continue to fulfill that goal."

Protocols #1 & #2 - these are to be used by patients in Phase 1 or 2. Usually they begin on Protocol 1 and move to Protocol 2.

Protocols #3 & #4 - these are for patients in Phase 3. If you are super-sensitive and extremely weak, Dr. Conners suggests starting with Protocol #4. Most Phase 3 patients can tolerate Protocol #3 just fine!

Happy Healing, we'll be praying for you!!!


Clear-Lyme Protocol #1

For those in Phase 1 or 2 Lyme that require a serious approach. This 81-day program involves a 21-day detox and complete nutritional support through the remainder of the two months. Protocol #1 was created to fully support the Th1 immune system and give it the strength to fight any infectious disease. Available HERE

Clear-Lyme Protocol #2

For those who have completed Protocol #1 and want to continue immune support OR for those just looking to stay healthy and protected against pathogens, this is the protocol for you. Neither Protocol #1 or #2 are appropriate for those in Phase 3 Lyme or those that know they have any other autoimmune condition. Available NOW HERE

Clear-Lyme Protocol #3

Protocols 3 and 4 are for those in Phase 3 Lyme or those with another autoimmune disorder where their antigen is a biotoxin. Protocol #3 is slightly stronger of the two and meant for those needing a heavier approach. Most my patients can tolerate Protocol #3 right away but if you are a very sensitive individual, you may want to begin with Protocol #4. This is one of Dr. Conners own personal homeopathic formulas. Purchase Protocol 3 HERE

Clear-Lyme Protocol #4

This protocol is for the most sensitive individuals that tend to react harshly to most things. The supplies in Protocol #4 should last 2-6 months depending on dosage and are all sublingual homeopaths with 3 of Dr. Conners personal formulas. Purchase HERE

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Please be advised that the coaches and other staff members at Conners Clinic are NOT licensed to practice medicine in Minnesota; DO NOT practice medicine; DO NOT prescribe, give, or administer any drug or medicine; DO NOT offer or undertake to prevent, diagnose, correct, or treat any disease, illness, pain, wound, fracture, infirmity, deformity or defect; and DO NOT offer to undertake to perform any form of surgery or hypnosis.

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Download The 3 Phases of Lyme now for FREE!

Holistic Healing for Chronic Lyme & Autoimmune

The information on this website, related social media accounts and websites, and email newsletters is for educational purposes only. We make no claims that specific nutrition, therapies, diet, or other health-related decisions will cure or mediate any disease or sickness; this includes cancer, lyme disease, autoimmune conditions, or Sars-CoV-2 (COVID-19). It is recommended that you do your own research and consult your physician before making any decisions on what to do for your health and wellbeing.

Please be advised that the coaches and other staff members at My Hope for Lyme and onners Clinic are NOT licensed to practice medicine in Minnesota; DO NOT practice medicine; DO NOT prescribe, give, or administer any drug or medicine; DO NOT offer or undertake to prevent, diagnose, correct, or treat any disease, illness, pain, wound, fracture, infirmity, deformity or defect; and DO NOT offer to undertake to perform any form of surgery or hypnosis.

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